Thursday, April 19, 2007

Industries Square Off on Patent Bill

Comment on a WSJ article of that title, 4/19/07, p. A8

There is a new patent bill in Congress (not yet passed) that is going to try to protect industries that have been hurt excessively by patent battles such as the tech industry and financial services.

"The bill would require patent holders to be given a "reasonable royalty" for patent infringements, but would limit that to the economic value of the patent's "specific contribution over prior art" or the value of the new "thing" the patent reflects rather than the value of the entire product of which it is a part."

The problem is the bill is opposed by the drug companies because they fear it will hurt their ability to protect their own innovations.

It occurs to me that it may be telling to "split up" the patent law into different sections for broadly different types of products. Can one patent law really cover everything from software to drugs?

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