My take on this may be surprising. The strike is good news. It means the union has decided to accept the massive concessions it must make to keep GM viable.
The key is contained in the quote below from the article cited above.
"'David Healy, analyst with Burnham Securities, said he believes GM could take a strike of up to a month without a significant problem.
"It's sort of an odd thing, the first thing that happens with an automaker in case of a strike is their cash increases, as their payroll stops, and they still keep collecting cash for the cars that have been shipped," said Healy.
He believes the two sides are close enough that the strike will be a short one.
"Days, not weeks or months, that would be my guess," he said.'''
As we can see, the union, about to make unprecedented concessions, has decided that they must demonstrate a display of strength and/or recklessness to placate their members before collapsing in the negotiations.In addition, they need to bring GM reasonably close to devastating losses to give time for the reality of the situation to percolate through the reptile brands of union members and bubble up into their cerebral cortexes. In other words, union members need to be able to demonstrate anger and rage for awhile so they can feel a little better and also, having gotten these emotions out of their system, so they can think about what it really means---to both union members and retirees---if they destroy GM. Not that they lack that capability.